
In the early 1960s, Hikkaduwa, a small fishing village was transformed into an major hub of international tourism becoming Sri Lanka’s most sought after holiday destination along the western coast. Easy to reach within a short drive from Colombo, the beautiful white sandy beaches, colorful coral reefs and excellent surf attract people the world over.

A ride in a glass bottomed boat through the shallow sea to view the colorful coral reef is one that both local and foreign visitors look forward to. Beach restaurants and bars, shops and nightclubs provide the background for a carefree stay. Plenty of laid-out breakfast and dinner tables offer a variety of tasty food.

Backpackers, travellers and package tourists all alike favour the beach party atmosphere and one can see them throughout the year in or out of “tourist seasons”. Surfing in the Hikkaduwa region is well known and one gets the best surf during its dry season, November to March with 4 main surf breaks from north to south.

Hikkaduwa also is a major fisheries harbor and one can enjoy the sight of hundreds of fishing craft at its landing site just where the town begins. This makes the place attractive to those who seek fresh fish cooked to varying recipes. It’s a matter of hopping into any eating place.

Even off the beaches, Hikkaduwa has a lot to offer by way of picturesque temples, a scenic fresh-water lake where you still can see outrigger fishermen, tranquil village life at just a small walk down the road and much more.

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